The Piyawara annual teacher training program was held in Jaffna from 5th to 8th August 2015. Over a hundred teachers from all Piyawara Centres island wide attended this four day residential program along with Ministry officials.
A gala welcome was arranged by the teachers from Jaffna, Kilinochchi and Mulativ at the Pallai Railway Station. This four day educational tour included visits to Piyawara Centres in Jaffna and Kilinochchi, meeting parents and children of the Northern region and exchanging views. Drama and music were also used as a suc-cessful means of communication.
For most teachers from other parts of the county it vvas their very first time in the Jaffna Peninsula!! They enjoyed every bit of it though it was a hectic schedule. There were bon fires and dramas every night with calypso bands.
The Piyawara annual Teacher Training Program is one of the key events in the calendar of the Ministry of Child Development and a much looked forward event by all teachers.
A special thank you goes to Ministry of Child Devel-opment, Ministry of Education Northern Province and Sri Lanka Amy for arranging all logistics.